Friday, July 18, 2014

ThingLink Part 2

Wow! I've come across a great activity using ThingLink that can be used not only in your own classroom at the beginning of the year, but, if you are doing a telecollaborative project, this is a great way for students to introduce themselves to each other.

ThingLink has a blog. In a post entitled "ThingLink Teacher Challenge: Design Your Digital Self," a complete lesson is available on how teachers can use ThingLink to introduce themselves. When you go to the post, click on the image displayed below:

When you do, you'll be able to view all the tags this particular teacher put on her ThingLink.

The blog suggests using this activity with your students.

From the blog...


In this activity you will create an interactive image to  introduce Your Digital Self  to other members of the ThingLink Teacher Challenge Classroom and also to anyone who views the great work we are doing. You will define yourself through through multimedia by creating tags to to whatever it is that defines your Digital Self. Revisit and add to your Digital Self as you change and grow. Use the channel to guide you through the process. Consider using the activity with students at the start of the school year.
There is an interactive channel of resources to guide you through the process. One of the resources is Build a ThingLink Classroom. When you click on it, there is a slideshow made of ThingLinks. On the second slide is a tag for this instructional YouTube video.

Start practicing now when leisure time is more available. Commandeer family and friends to be your "class" to make sure you know how to set one up. Come August (or September for the lucky ones!), you, ThingLink, and your students and students from afar are ready for a great interactive year.

ISTE Standards-S 1, 2, & 3


  1. This seems like a great tool to use in the beginning of the school year. I can definitely see using this as a telecollaborative activity. This is a different activity to use an icebreaker and I think students would enjoy using this. One question I had is if there is audio that can go along with the picture?

    1. You put the audio in for the tag. You can make the audio or find it on the web and put it in. For example, if your were studying the Titantic, a picture of the Titantic as it was going down could be chosen. Then, out in the water, a tag placed and put in the audio of the only surviving high-ranking officer's audio of what happened that night. He jumped in the water when all the lifeboats had deployed. It's fascinating to hear his story. There are also audio's available of children who survived. That tag and audio could be put on a lifeboat. Hope this helps.
