Tuesday, July 15, 2014


What a funWeb 2.0 iPad app! This tool is basically a personal recordable whiteboard that allows you to talk and write a lesson, a book review, directions to a classroom activity--anything you can think of! You name it...if you want the students to be able to listen to you while using a visual, Educreations is your Web 2.0 tool.

It is really easy to use. This iPad Help Desk video is great! Yes, you need an iPad, but hey, who doesn't have one now? Even the HCPSS Reading Specialists are being given one this year to do our job better!

So here are Social Studies lessons already created on Educreations. Just look at the variety. Com' on. You can do this. To view them, you need to create a free account. That's easy.

Obviously, you can use the pre-made lessons, but it is really easy to make what you need specifically for your classroom. And unlike VoiceThread, nobody sees what you look like when you make the lesson. You can be in your PJ's. It's just your voice and your writing. I like that.

Here's a book talk I made using Educreations about one of the Young Adult novels I am reading this summer.

BOMB by Steve Sheinkin

Just imagine linking in with another English class across the United States and sharing book talks. There is nothing more convincing about how good a book is than to hear about it from a peer. Who says that peer has to be sitting next to you? Try someone in California or Washington state!

Here's another testimony to the greatness of Educreations. This is from the iPad Jedi Masters.

Using Educreations at every level of Bloom's!


  1. Educreations is awesome for recording in the classroom activities. You can also create a classroom where students need a code to join and they can ask and answer questions on videos!

  2. I have always wanted to create video lessons (without showing myself either!) for my math students. Especially during snow days... if my students can watch my videos, then the snow days aren't total losses. Thank you, Annie, for letting me know about educreations.

  3. I have also wanted to record lessons or review videos for my students but I don't have an iPad. Maybe one of these days...

    I will definitely look into Educreations if I get one. Is there a special writing utensil for this?

  4. Thanks to everyone for your suggestions, additions, and questions. Amy, I need to look into your approach. This Web 2.0 tool seems to just grow and grow in its applications.

    Felix, you are lucky that your students will look into school-related activities on snow days. That is a culture we need to cultivate at "The Lake."

    Jenny, boy have you asked a great question. The HCPSS reading specialists are getting iPads this year. When we have our training, I will ask. Maybe another class mate knows the answer to this. It would seem appropriate and useful.
